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Change is the new constant

Leadership today is basically about managing change, no matter if you are leading yourself or the entire world. There is a conception that certain leaders are change leaders whereas others are just leaders. But come on, no individual, no organization, no city, no country can survive without an ability to manage change.

Almost half of all work that is carried out in Sweden can and will most likely be automated in the years to come. However, and here comes the positive news, only 10 percent of the jobs will be completely taken over by robots and machines. The flip side of that is that we will have to work in dramatically new ways and learn a lot of new things. In its “Future of jobs report 2018”, the global think tank World Economic Forum (WEF) stated that everyone who has a job will need on average 101 days of training to be able to do their job at all in 2022. So profound is the transformation.

We will definitely need to come up with smart and innovative ways of training ourselves and our organizations in order to stay competitive. We’d better get ready and prepare. Maybe we all can learn something in this regard from successful change leaders in the past?

Research suggests that these leaders are both people and process focused and there are 3 C:s one should remember. They clearly communicate the purpose with the change - the why as well as the what - they are collaborative and they are personally committed to the change, which meant that they invested the time needed but also that their own beliefs and actions were aligned.

My personal New Year's resolution is that I will try to learn and do something new every single week of the coming year.


Maria Rankka

Maria is a Stellar Faculty member. She works for Takura and is an angel investor and a board professional. In addition, she is a columnist in Svenska Dagbladet.

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